Why take an Classroom Course

Why take an Classroom Course

The human race, as a whole, has a fascination with the sea and this is reflected in the reasons why people choose to do a sailing theory course.

So, why take an RYA Day Skipper Shore-based class?

Perhaps you aspire to charter a yacht and have a sailing holiday with family and friends somewhere like the Mediterranean. There is nothing like a sailing holiday to completely unwind and get away from it all!

Curiosity. Frankly who wouldn’t want to learn about what all the little numbers and the magenta teardrops on a chart mean I ask you?; and about the moon and tides and words like perigee; why the north pole is not actually where the compass points to; and clouds; and knots and anchors; and lots more nautical things.

Simply that you are interested in sailing or motor boating and want to know more about how to navigate. The course is a starting point for many, particularly during the wintery months. Some people will have done a lot of sailing but haven’t really got involved in the navigation side of things.

The course is fun. You learn stuff and what is more fun than learning about matters nautical?

The courses are social. There’s a bit of chat about why people are doing the course, how much (if any), or where people might have sailed. You might get the odd groan from a neighbouring student as they try and get their head around a tidal question. People sometimes go for an after-class drink. Often people choose to do a practical course together at a later date.

Of course, another reason why people take a Day Skipper navigation class is that they recognise the importance of knowing where you are going on a boat.

If you don’t know how to navigate then worse things than the picture opposite can happen.